Trading Pins 101 -- How To Design A Pin
Blogger - May 19, 2016
Have you ever wondered how to design a pin? Wonder no more!
As youth baseball season gets underway for 2016, you want your team to have the best trading pins possible. It's not hard to create great baseball pins, with just a little forethought. Here's how to design a pin.
Great pins starts with a great design. Creating pins that look great, represent the winning spirit of your team and trade well at the big game can be both fun and easy. There are just a few tips to remember to make your pins memorable.
Get Creative
Consider what it is that makes your team great. What shows off your team's discipline, toughness and athleticism? Brainstorm ideas for what will capture those qualities best.
When you know how to design a pin, it's easy to create killer trading pins!
Edit Your Ideas
Once you have several great ideas about what you want your baseball trading pins to look like, narrow them down. Remember, great providers such as don't charge for artwork or revisions, so you can experiment with your design until it's exactly what you want. When you're considering how to design a pin, our graphic artists will be glad to help you decide what works best for your team.
Size Matters
But not necessarily in the way you think. Sure, bigger pins often have more trading value, but it's really all about proportion. A really well-designed smaller pin can trade better than a bigger one that's not as attractive.
Options Mean More Trading Power
Options customize your pins and maximize trade value. Our most popular -- and most affordable -- option at is glitter enamel. It adds a rich, elegant look to your team's baseball trading pins at an economical price. For more adventurous pins, add motion with add-ons such as bobble heads, spinners or sliders. You can even add blinking LED lights for mascot eyes, stars and other designs too!
Check out more information about trading pin options here.
We Can Help
When it comes to how to design a pin, we've got all the secrets. We've been doing this for years, and we're always happy to share everything we know to help your team create fantastic pins. No matter what your design or budget, count on for all your custom pin needs!